
Events Opening This Year

Follow the link below to our new page that will be listing every scare event opening this year!

Please note that gallery may take a little longer to load due to amount of pictures!

Theme parks & Escapes

We love a good ride especially on some awesome coasters and rides. No only do we blog about the parks we visit we also blog about the escape rooms we visit. We love the thrills of an inversion and the thrills of a puzzle

Scare Events

We also celebrate and review all things scare related be it scare mazes, attractions, events, audio, immersive. We scream, laugh and really immerse ourselves in the experience. We try not to do more than one event a night so we can fully embrace the scary hug each visit.


We are part of the LGBTQIA+ community and we don’t shy away from it. We include it in our blogs and reviews because 2/3rds of our team identify as it. We proudly support all members of the community within the theme park, scare and enthusiast communities.